I've been going over my yokai and dream creature folders and realized this would probably come up sooner or later.
Sometimes, monsters look really human. Sometimes they are humans with distorted or disfigured features or faces, and sometimes they are humans without a face.
To rule out what we're talking about, a few definitions.
- A disfigured character still look like the species they are based off, but can have things like bodyparts in the wrong places or tumors growing out of them.
- A zombie is a character that is disfigured to the point most of their body has a visibly non-human or corpse-like quality.
- A distorted character is not necessarily disfigured, but can have missing or extra features or proportions that look notably "off".
- A noppera-bo is a character without a face.
Example: Masada-Sensei
A good example of a distorted/half-noppera character. When drawn in his typical style, he has a face that is very clearly non-human and lacking a mouth, and he often has exaggerated proportions and long wobbly arms. However, for a lot of shipping, he's just drawn as a bishie. His "on-model" look is just a few pixels large, so canonically he could really pass for either, but he has a manga appearance that somewhat interprets a more distorted look.
The "on-model" semi-official manga look: https://yume.wiki/yume/Seccom_Masada-sensei#/media/File:Masada.png
How many shippers draw him: https://yumeboo.ru/post/12233
It's pretty obvious the latter is not suitable here, but what do we do with the former (when there's a suitable pairing, naturally)?
- Should we allow (any of) disfigured/zombie/distorted/noppera humanoid characters to pass as male monsters?
- Should we allow (any of) disfigured/zombie/distorted/noppera humanoid characters to pass as human girls?
- Should we consider a characters "canonical" state when judging if an image is suitable?
- Any other considerations to make, like a characters face, for any of the above?